Sunday, January 12, 2020




First off, this is gonna be interesting because I can't remember if you're the only one who's gonna read this (Mindy) or if the entire class has access to this. I think I'm gonna air on the side of playing it safe (just incase all 40+ classmates have access lol). Anyways, excited for my FIRST EVER BLOG POST! No idea what my voice and personality on here is gonna be yet, so here goes nothing. 

Well anyways, what's up Mindy? I'm Sadie, I'm 20, I'm from Corvallis, and I'm now dual enrolled here studying Business Management. Like most students, I had trouble landing on this major so just recently starting to learn the ropes of the College of Business. In addition to being a full time student, I am an assistant manager at Dutch Bros (the one over on 53rd and Philomath boulevard). Initially applying to Dutch Bros, I thought it was going to be nothing more to me than an easy and fun part-time job to help get me through college. Turns out, my constant need to be in charge has forced me to take on more than a can handle and try to manage 15 credits and a busy drive thru coffee stand all at once. This need I'm talking about for a voice, an input, and a sense of control,  is the exact same thing that is motivating me to take this major ON. I'm hoping to learn more about the College of Business throughout this course and the tactics of a smart business marketer (or something like that). For real though, I'm hoping this class will not only set me up for success in my current position, but also help me prepare for any future growth as a businesswoman.  My passion lies in working with people and helping others, so I want to give myself the best platform possible to turn that passion into a career! Customer service can sometimes be a burn out, but the idea of being the lady behind the operations making it all happen sounds amazing. Excited for my venture through this major and my career!

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Dutch Bros I decided to do this blog post on the company that I work for, Dutch Bros. Dutch Bros, popular privately owned coffee franchis...